Learn About The UNUH FAQ

Joshua’s Journey

Based on the fundamentals of neuroscience and neuro linguistic programming, the UNUH gameapp provides young people with a fresh new perspective and approach to living a successful life starting with our most powerful tool, the human mind! UNUH exploits Jamaica’s global cultural brand to bring a powerful, engaging edutainment product to young people ages 16-19 to revolutionize traditional paradigms and strategies for success, while connecting users to mainstream resources for coaching, mentorship, technical and academic skills, job and business enterprise development.

Based on the fundamentals of neuroscience and neuro linguistic programming, the UNUH gameapp provides young people with a fresh new perspective and approach to living a successful life starting with our most powerful tool, the human mind!

UNUH exploits Jamaica’s global cultural brand to bring a powerful, engaging edutainment product to young people ages 16-19 to revolutionize traditional paradigms and strategies for success, while connecting users to mainstream resources for coaching, mentorship, technical and academic skills, job and business enterprise development.

Programme Goal

Programme Goal

Learners understand and demonstrate the essentials of how to manage their minds, develop self-agency and make choices that will lead to happier and more successful lives.

Programme Overview and Structure:

The UNUH is essentially self-paced through an on-line learning management system (LMS) which is monitored and managed by the facilitating institution (or parent) that purchases the licence(s). Each licence has a 12-month subscription. The 3-Module programme can be completed over a 30-week period across 3 school terms, however, the learning units may be completed within a shorter time-frame if so desired. Bear in mind, however, that the learners must complete the unit assignments in order to progress in the app and their speed of progress will be determined by a variety of factors, for example, age, level of literacy and comprehension.

UNUH is designed to support the objectives of any Life Skills curriculum, although it’s focus is more on the personal development of the learner towards self-mastery.

Programme Administrators, Facilitators and Parents also have the ability to review the programme materials and to monitor Student progress through the LMS.

The students will need access to a smart phone or tablet, and either Wifi or data in order to access the programme.

The programme currently has three Modules as follows

Module 1

Foundations for Success

Learners develop greater self-awareness and self-agency.

The Self-Awareness and Self-Agency Mastery module is designed to empower students to develop greater self awareness and self-agency in their lives. By exploring key aspects of the self, understanding the influence of mindsets, and practicing techniques for emotional management and physical self-care, participants will cultivate a strong foundation for personal growth and success. This module integrates principles from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Positive Intelligence© to provide participants with practical tools and strategies to navigate their inner world effectively.

Module 2

Going for gold!

Learners gain clarity and confidence in setting and achieving value-aligned goals.

The “Going for the Gold” module is designed to empower students to gain clarity and confidence in setting and achieving value-aligned goals. Based on principles from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Positive Intelligence©, this module provides participants with the tools and mindset necessary to create a satisfying life. Through self-reflection, goal setting exercises, and ongoing tracking, participants will develop the skills to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and achieve their desired outcomes.

Module 3

One Love, One Heart

Participants develop greater empathy and competence in building positive relationships with others as well as their natural and social environment.

The “One Love, One Heart” module is designed to students to develop greater empathy and competence in building positive relationships with others and their natural and social environment. By exploring effective communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, teamwork, and community building, participants will cultivate the skills necessary for fostering healthy relationships and contributing positively to their communities. This module integrates principles from various disciplines, including communication theory, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and environmental awareness.

Module 1
Foundations for Success
Learners develop greater self-awareness and self-agency.
The Self-Awareness and Self-Agency Mastery module is designed to empower students to develop greater self awareness and self-agency in their lives. By exploring key aspects of the self, understanding the influence of mindsets, and practicing techniques for emotional management and physical self-care, participants will cultivate a strong foundation for personal growth and success. This module integrates principles from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Positive Intelligence© to provide participants with practical tools and strategies to navigate their inner world effectively.
Module 2
Going for gold!
Learners gain clarity and confidence in setting and achieving value-aligned goals.
The “Going for the Gold” module is designed to empower students to gain clarity and confidence in setting and achieving value-aligned goals. Based on principles from
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Positive Intelligence©, this module provides participants with the tools and mindset necessary to create a satisfying life. Through self-reflection, goal setting exercises, and ongoing tracking, participants will develop the skills to overcome challenges, stay motivated, and achieve their desired outcomes.
Module 3
One Love, One Heart
Participants develop greater empathy and competence in building positive
relationships with others as well as their natural and social environment.
The “One Love, One Heart” module is designed to students to develop greater empathy and competence in building positive relationships with others and their natural and social environment. By exploring effective communication, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, teamwork, and community building, participants will cultivate the skills
necessary for fostering healthy relationships and contributing positively to their communities. This module integrates principles from various disciplines, including communication theory, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and environmental awareness.
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Key App Features

Student Risk Profiling

The assigned programme Facilitator as the institution/parent level, is encouraged to complete a Risk Profile (Adverse Childhood Assessment and Strengths and Difficulties Pre-Test) with each student and enter the results into the on-line data-base. Only the Facilitator will have access to this confidential information. This will help the Facilitator (who may be the school Guidance Counsellor or Life Skills Instructor) to identify and support those students who may be most at risk for mental, emotional or behavioral issues.

Learning Formats

The app includes pre-and post-self-assessments and a variety of media and learning formats including games, videos, audios, animated content, exercises, quizzes and brief written articles. The content is founded on Jamaican culture, characters, names, scenarios all designed to appeal to the 16-19 year old target group.

Community Channel

Participation in the Community Channel provides the learner the opportunity to share with other students within the cohort and engage more deeply with the programme contents. Additionally, the Facilitator can pose questions to the group and monitor the activities, including the suspension of individual student sharing, if required.

Medz Gym

The Medz Gym allows the student to learn and practice Upfull Mindfulness exercises to encourage the development of the student’s ability to shift from Baddaz to Upfull Mind thinking and to develop new neural pathways.

Brawta Challenges

Weekly or end of Unit Challenges are released to help the learner reinforce, deepen and apply learning to real life situations. The Facilitator will be able to review and verify the students’ weekly or Unit submissions and either concur with the app assigned score, or request that the student resubmit until a satisfactory standard is obtained


The entire programme is gamified through the assignment of tokens for the successful completion of each piece of content. Individual student progress is monitored through a leaderboard which displays the tokens each student has earned and their ranking within and across cohorts within the institution. Students who earn 80% of the maximum score for each Module will be able to download a shareable Digital Badge for that Module. A downloadable and printable Certificate of Completion is provided upon successful completion of the entire programme.

Community Project

In order to earn the final Certificate, groups of no more than 3-10 students must complete a voluntary group Community project at the end of the programme – for example, this could be volunteering at a children’s home or home for the elderly; cleaning up a park; etc. The completed activities should be evidenced by a report, images and videos and submitted to the Facilitator through the app. Token scores will be assigned to each group by the Facilitator and added to the overall score for the individuals.