Partnership is fundamental to our philosophy at UNUH

We recognize that we belong to a broader eco-system and that we must collaborate at all levels in order to build a sustainable solution. We are grateful to those individuals and organizations who have jumped on board with us to help us solve the problems that so many of our youth are facing – the lack of knowledge and skills to effectively navigate life’s challenges!

Phase 2 - 2023 (UNUH Beta)

Rise Life Management Services

RISE Life Management Services was established in 1989 as the Addiction Alert Organization, offering Jamaica’s first outpatient treatment facility for addictive disorders. To serve evolving needs and align with the Vision 2030 Goals its programmes were expanded and name changed i in 2005 to RISE Life Management Services, (RISE - Reaching Individuals through Skills and Education).

For more information:


A Jamaica where young people and other vulnerable populations are empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices in a supportive and rehabilitative environment.


To empower vulnerable populations, including those suffering from addictive disorders, through programmes that create pathways to realising their full potential; and to support Jamaica’s national development by building the capacity of civil society organizations. Focus areas: youth development; after school literacy and numeracy programme; life and parenting skills training; violence prevention awareness and intervention; child trafficking; gender-based violence; counselling; addiction prevention and treatment (substance and gambling); capacity building for CSOs; and support programmes for persons with disabilities. The development of the UNUH app is a component of RISE’s Civil Society Boost Initiative: Phase 3 project (CSBI:3) which is funded by the European Union (EU). The inclusion of the UNUH app is a direct response to the EU’s call for increase in digitization to address the digital divide in Jamaica against the background of the slow rollout of digital infrastructure in poor, remote communities and rural areas, as well as the digital inequality among youth.

European Union

The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders. The UNUH project is co-funded by the European Union under the RISE Life Management Services Civil Society Boost Initiative: Phase 3 project (CSBI:3)


This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Limitless Transformation Coaching & Training Services Ltd. and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union

For more information:

Planning Institute of Jamaica/Community Renewal Project

Limitless Transformation and the PIOJ/CRP signed an MOU in 2022 to conceptualize and execute a framework of cooperation within which to pursue mutual objectives toward the physical, social, environmental and economic empowerment of designated communities and their residents. Specifically, the purpose of the partnership is as follows:
  1. To conceptualize, develop and implement replicable models for development of socially sustainable and economically viable communities.
  2. To partner towards bringing said communities (and their residents) into mainstream Jamaican society and economy.
  3. To institutionalize lessons learned for replication to the benefit of the most vulnerable in the Jamaican population.
UNUH is co-funded by the PIOJ/CRP under this MOU and a Letter of Agreement.

For more information:

Goal of the Community Renewal Programme:

The goal of the CRP is that “Citizens are empowered to live full and satisfied lives and have transformed their volatile and vulnerable communities into secure, cohesive, just, prosperous and healthy environments.”

Objectives of the Community Renewal Programme:

The primary objective of the CRP is to achieve sustainable, positive change among the targeted communities by harnessing multiple interventions around six strategic components. These are
(i) Social Transformation
(ii) Socio-economic Development
(iii) Governance
(iv) Youth Development
(v) Physical Transformation
(vi) Safety and Justice. 

UNUH is funded under an MOU and Letter of Agreement between PIOJ and Limitless Transformation.


Innovation Grant from New Ideas to Entrepreneurship (IGNITE)

The DBJ’s targets include job creation and supporting new business, therefore a new product was created which offers grants for innovative new ventures through existing business development organisations and incubator programmes.  This grant programme, aptly named IGNITE, is expected to aid the accelerated growth of a group of innovative business ventures by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to create additional jobs and generate tax revenues for the government.

For more information:

JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation

Established in honour of the late Co-Founder of JMMB and compelled by a strong commitment to our corporate social responsibility, the JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation’s path to nation building and people empowerment continues is guided by the core values of Love, Openness, Honesty, Integrity and care.

For more information:

TBR Labs

Through a robust partnership with IDB Lab and the DMZ, the Vision of TBR Lab is to radically transform the digital landscape of the Caribbean and emerging markets. Our mission is to empower the emergence and proliferation of high-growth tech startups, as well as enable employees, SMEs, enterprise organizations and governments to leverage technology as a driver for their own success.

For more information:

St. Anne’s CAP School

St. Anne’s CAP School, 12 Percy Street Kingston

St. Anne’s graciously agreed to support the development and beta-testing of the UNUH app with their 2022 and 2023 student cohorts and administrative staff. This has provided invaluable feedback in the design and development of the UNUH programme.

Jamaica Boxing Association


“Fill My Cup”

Performed by Iotosh

Written by Iotosh Poyser & Jean-André


Published by Jack Russell

Music Limited (PRS)


Project Advisory Committee

1. Charles Clayton, Programme Director, PIOJ/CRP
2. Colleen Wint-Bond, Consultant with Violence Prevention Alliance; Member, Parenting Partners Caribbean
3. Angelica Dalrymple, President, Jamaica Association of Guidance Counsellors in Education (JAGCE)
4. Samuel Smalling, Representative, National Association of Deans of Discipline
5. Dr. Elizabeth Ward, Chairman, Violence Prevention Alliance
6. Hykel Nunes, Youth Programmes Officer, Project S.T.A.R.
7. Karen McGlashin, Project Social Worker, Project S.T.A.R.

Phase 1 - 2020-21 (UNUH Prototype)

CB Facey Foundation - www.cbfaceyfoundation.org

JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation – www.joanduncanfoundation.org

Planning Institute of Jamaica/Community Renewal Project

TBR Lab – www.techbeach.net

Capacity Building

Project Advisory Committee

  • Mark and Nicky Taylor, NLP Master Trainers and Coaches (www.thetayloredlifecompany.com),
  • Dr. Elizabeth Ward, Chair, Violence Prevention Alliance (www.vpajamaica.org),
  • Mrs. Margaret Bolt, Retired Principal, Holy Trinity High School.